Tatenda bodde tidligere på barnehjemmet, og går nå på videregående.
Han har skrevet et brev for å fortelle historien sin, og hva det har betydd for han å få hjelp til å fullføre utdannelsen sin. Vi er utrolig stolt over hvor langt Tatenda har kommet. Vi heier på deg Tatenda!
“My name is Tatenda. I am a 22 year old boy. I grew up at the orphanage. When my parents passed away l had no where to stay and some family members were abusive until I made a decision to go and live in the streets. That's when I met the staff at drop-in, who took me to the children's home where I got shelter, education, family, love and care.
From primary level to high school level. Themba was responsible for my school fees payment. Not only that, Themba provided me with school uniforms and books. Themba also gave me a smile where we would go for trips and would throw parties to us. I have known many beautiful places of Zimbabwe through Themba. Places like Antelope Park, Jabulani safaris, Great Zimbabwe etc.
I benefited a lot from Themba, even clothes, shoes we wear. Most importantly Themba gave us a home. Not just a home but a fair and beautiful home, they also gave us family and friends from overseas. Now I am going to college it's all because of Themba.
I would to thank all the Themba members for the love and support they are giving me. Not forgetting the man who made it possible for me to get all this support. Mr Ndou may the lord bless you. Many thanks to Anita, Thomas and Lene and all the Themba sponsors. Also my parents Mrs Ndou Mai Mlauzi, Mai Matsaure, Mr Muchemwa only to mention but a few. This has made me know and believe that family is not all about blood but by having Themba as part of my family. Thank you Themba for the love and support you are giving to me and my fellow brothers and sisters we love you.”
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Vi har klart det! Mandag 24. august hadde vi gleden av å åpne det første (av totalt seks) barnehjemsbygg på Mkoba 10 tomta vår