Simbarashe har vokst opp og bodd på barnehjemmet siden han var liten, og studerer nå til å bli automekaniker.

Simbarashe in his working uniform outside the orphanage

Han har skrevet et brev for å fortelle historien sin, og hva det har betydd for han å få hjelp til å fullføre utdannelsen sin. Vi er utrolig stolt over hvor langt Simbarashe har kommet, og hvordan han virkelig står på for å oppnå drømmen sin om å kunne bli noe for å kunne hjelpe andre. Vi heier på deg Simbarashe!

“My name is Simbarashe, and I am 23 years old. I came here at the children’s home in 2006, so I can say I grew up here. Then, back in 2011, that’s the year I knew members of Themba Hope Project. This organization (Themba) did many amazing things in my life. We shared a lot together and they are good memories. But the most important thing thay they did to me is paying my school fees since primary level up to high school. Now I am at the tertiary education doing a course in Auto Mechanic.

My dream is to have my company to fixing cars and employ many people who are vulnerable and also train vulnerable children auto mechanics.

Besides the paying of school fees, Themba did a lot, like sponsoring trips to beautiful places here in Zimbabwe and throwing parties to us at the children’s home during holidays, and also not forgetting the clothes, healthy food, fantastic accomodation, medication - the list is endless.

I would like to say thank you Themba Hope Project and its sponsors for the wonderful work that you are doing to me and to all the children under the programme. I now have a bright future ahead. Thank you a million times. God bless you all.”

My dream is to have my company to fixing cars and employ many people who are vulnerable and also train vulnerable children auto mechanics.
— Simbarashe

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