Brain ble rett før jul 2023 uteksaminert som farmasøyt fra universitet i Zambia. Nå er han tilbake på barnehjemmet, denne gangen som sikkerhetsvakt for å tjene penger slik at han kan søke om å få godkjent lisensen i Zimbabwe.
Han kommer fra et tøft liv i ekstrem fattigdom, før han ble tatt inn på barnehjemmet og fikk hjelp til skolegang. Da han studerte for å bli farmasøyt skrev han et brev for å fortelle historien sin, og hva det har betydd for han å få hjelp til å fullføre utdannelsen sin. Vi ønsker å dele dette brevet med dere fordi det er takket være alle våre fantastiske sponsorer at vi kan gi barn som Brain muligheten til å få en utdannelse. Vi er så utrolig stolte over hvor langt Brain har kommet, og hvordan han virkelig står på for å oppnå drømmen sin om å bli farmasøyt. Vi heier på deg Brain!
“My name is Brain,
In this write up I would like to share my story (in summary) about how I joined Themba Hope Project in Gweru, Zimbabwe. I believe many children are having hard times trying to pursue their dreams due to financial constraints and many other problems. I am also sure others are going through tougher times than I did myself, which makes my story not a special one in any way. However, I am convinced that sharing it may give hope to other children facing difficulties to pursue their dreams and assure them that there’s still hope.
I grew up in in the rural areas of Zimbabwe (Shurugwi, Zhaugwe to be specific). In these areas my father and mother used to sustain us through small scale farming. Unfortunately in 2008 my mother got ill and passed away that same year. I was 12 years old when she passed away. Life changed. Myself and my two brothers had to start working in the fields helping our father so that we get food at the end of the day. I completed my primary level but faced financial challenges to proceed to secondary level. Since he couldn’t afford paying for school fees, my father offered to work at school (in construction of classrooms) as form of payment for my fees. I passed my secondary school and now the biggest challenge came, I wanted to go to Advanced Level (senior secondary) .
With help of teachers I applied for a scholarship so that I moved to the urban city (Gweru). While waiting for response from scholarships organization, teachers paid for my first term fees, and took me to one of the teachers' house in town and I started going to school (Advanced Level). Things didn’t work out as planned. Response from scholarships organization said I was not eligible. Nobody could pay for my fees so I went back to the village. Luckily our neighbor in the village had an unoccupied house in town and he allowed me to go back and stay there without paying any rentals while going to school. I stayed alone at that house for a month then the owner of the house found tenants to rent the same house. I had to move out. There was nowhere to go for me in town, and I stopped going to school again. Each day I would struggle to get food and have a place to sleep until one day a friend of mine told me about the drop-in centre where vulnerable children get food.
The drop-in center became a place for me to get food, but I really wanted to go back to school. I shared my challenges with Question and Happiness (Mr and Mrs Ndou), who welcomed and gave me parental love up to date. I am forever grateful. They took me to the children’s home in Mkoba 10. At the children’s home I lived without lacking anything. School fees, food and shelter were all provided from Themba Hope Project until I finished advanced Level. With the support from Themba Hope Project today: my accommodation, food and many other expenses are catered for, and I am now a 4th year Pharmacy Student studying in Zambia. I would like to express my gratitude to Themba Hope Project for giving me this life changing opportunity. For me, this is a milestone. Everytime I think about my wonderful stay at the orphanage, with our wonderful mothers there, my heart fills with bliss and ecstasy.
Regards; Brain Dzingai”
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Vi har klart det! Mandag 24. august hadde vi gleden av å åpne det første (av totalt seks) barnehjemsbygg på Mkoba 10 tomta vår