Gideon bodde tidligere på barnehjemmet, og studerer nå sosiologi på universitet.
Han har skrevet et brev for å fortelle historien sin, og hva det har betydd for han å få hjelp til å fullføre utdannelsen sin. Vi er utrolig stolt over hvor langt Gideon har kommet, og hvordan han virkelig står på for å oppnå drømmen sin om å kunne bli noe for å kunne hjelpe andre. Vi heier på deg Gideon!
“Greetings! I’m Gideon. Firstly I would like to say thank you for every effort you put for me to go to school. You made me see the reality and that I can change my future. At the children's home I found a family that showed me love.
When I finished my Grade 7 I never thought of going back to school because I didn't have money to pay school fees. Then you came up and raised me from there up to this day. As I was growing up, I always wanted to be someone who helps those who are vulnerable and in need.
Now I am at the University and I'm working to get my degree in Sociology and Social policy. I truly appreciate the confidence you have in me. I am who I am because of you.
You offered studentloans to us through Hope-studentloan so that we can continue studying. Many thanks for giving me this opportunity!!!
THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN. May God continue showering you with blessings!”
“I truly appreciate the confidence you have in me. I am who I am because of you.”
Vil du hjelpe flere barn med å få utdannelse slik som Gideon? Meld deg som sponsor her.
Vi har klart det! Mandag 24. august hadde vi gleden av å åpne det første (av totalt seks) barnehjemsbygg på Mkoba 10 tomta vår