Midlands Children Hope Project is a norwegian non-profit charity organization with the goal to give vulnerable families and children in Zimbabwe the knowledge, inspiration and motivation that they need to be able to stand on their own feet, and at the same time give emergency assistance when needed. By investing in peoples potential we are building local communities step by step by finding solutions that works for each person. Today we have a network of unique projects that you can read about below.
Through giving people the tools and knowledge that they need we’re doing charity in a new way, by giving them the confidence and selfworth to find the longterm solution which works for them. Today the project is based in Zimbabwes third biggest city, Gweru, but our ultimate goal is to be able to bring the model forward to new locations. We have separate sponsors who covers the administrative expenses, so all your donation goes directly to the project.
Zimbabwe is located in the southern Africa, and borders to South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Mosambique and Namibia. The country went from being the breadbasket of Africa, to become of the the world most poor countries with big political, economical and social difficulties in just a few decades. The difficult situation has affected the most vulnerable in the community the most - the children. The HIV and AIDS epidemic made one out of four children to be orphans. As a direct result of this the country has a lot of street children. The boys are often used by corrupt police to do crimes, while the gilrs are being owned by illegal mine workers. To make the situation even worse, it is illegal to be a street child in Zimbabwe.
Education is the most important thing we can give the heroes of tomorrow! The number of kids we're paying school fees for is increasing for each school trimester!
72% of Zimbabwes population lives in extreme poverty. The HOPE-families get the opportunity to create a better future for themselves, through microloans and emergency aid.
visit the projects
Do you want to share and get experience and knowledge, and not just a new profile picture on Instagram? Then check out our Hope-professional program.
To cater for the many street children around Zimbabwe we have built two childrens homes. The goal is to make it selfsustainable and able to stand on their own feet.
Through games, fun, exciting and interactive classes we invite the children from the local community into Hope-class for important and basic knowledge.
We support the orphanage with a monthly fee of USD$100 to cover the most critical medical needs. In addition we have an emergency fund of USD$400 available.
Through daily hot meals, education, guidance and support the children get help to get back on their feet. They get a break from the reality and everyday life of the street.
By investing in the street girls we give them the opportunity to stand on their own, and create a better future for themselves and their children through microloans.
Together with Engineers Without Borders and others we have created the project “From waste to value” where we turn trash into value through recycling.
We are building acommunity center in the middle of Mkoba, which will work as an innovation center for the whole community. All our projects will be run from here.
Bigger business plans can be suported by our startup network. Local workplaces, economical growth and independence is the result of this work.
With Hope-student loan we give students the opportunity to apply for 50% support for university or courses if they manage to fundraise the other 50% themselves.
“Create a better world,
one child and one family at a time”
Vi har klart det! Mandag 24. august hadde vi gleden av å åpne det første (av totalt seks) barnehjemsbygg på Mkoba 10 tomta vår